With Miskolc Pass card 15 % off The room rate’s discount is valid only in case of booking your room directly at the hotel! (by phone, by e-mail, on the website of the accommodation) Aranykorona Hotel,...
The Avasi Sörház Étterem (Beerhouse and Restaurant) has it's own specialty, the Avasi Krumplilángos (potato scone).
Craft burger in the city center. Handmade burgers, garnishes and salads made of high quality ingredients. Burgers are available for beef, pork, chicken and goose meat, even for takeaway. Child-friendly...
With Miskolc Pass 10% off from pancake specialities.
With Miskolc Pass card 10 % off in case of a'la carte consumption.
Kispipa Halászcsárda Rákóczi u. 4.
Lillafüred Trout Farm – Erdei Halsütöde Bakehouse Miskolc-Lillafüred, along the road to Ómassa Do not miss fresh and baked trout, or smoked trout marinated in 12 different spices!